You sat on the couch in the Akatsuki lair reading one of those really good books, that a person could only come across every once in a while. The book read:
Later, when Belinda thought about that horrible night, she could think of a hundred "if only's" that might have made things turn out differently. If only we hadn't gone to that party......She hated parties anyway, and Hildy had been grounded-why in the world had she ever told Hildy she'd go along in the first place? She hadn't even known the people who'd been giving the stupid party- some college buddies of Frank's older brother-and once she and Hildy and Frank had gotten there, she'd known right away there was too much drinking going on. If only we hadn't gone.....if only it hadn't been out of town......She'd told her mother that she was spending the night at Hildy's just like any other weekend, that they'd just stay in and rent some movies. If only we hadn't tried to drive there and back again. If only Frank hadn't drunk all those beers.......
If only it hadn't been April Fools' Day. Because, really, that's what had started the whole thing off- that stupid April Fools' Day party. That, and Frank being an even bigger jerk than usual, appointing himself the official King of Fools, much to everyone's delight. Frank had never needed an excuse to make a total fool of himself, but this time he'd been so outrageous that Belinda had been embarrassed for him. She'd actually been relieved when he'd gotten so drunk that Hildy insisted they leave. And she remembered how Hildy had fought him when Frank would,'t give up the car keys, and how much trouble they'd had pouring him into the front seat, how terrified they'd been when he'd grabbed the wheel, weaving them all over the road.
If only.......if only everything had been different. But thing hadn't been different,and afterward she could still see everything so clearly. . . . too clearly.
She and Frank and Hildy driving home so late that night.... and the terrible storm beating down on them... They'd taken a shortcut- some little used road near the airport- that Frank's brother had suggested, where there wasn't likely to be any highway patrol on the lookout for late party-goers and.... Hildy had gotten more and more upset because Frank kept trying to drive.... Frank had started feeling sick, but there was nowhere to pull off on the narrow downhill stretch, and it was so curvy and dangerous, and Belinda had been so frightened..... That's when the other car had pulled up behind them, honking, trying to pass. Belinda had peered out through the streaming rain on the back window, but hadn't been able to see and faces, and the car had kept honking and honking and Frank had gotten mad.
"Let's give those hotshots a scare," he'd said,and Belinda had felt like she was choking, bands of fear tightening around her chest, that awful premonition that something horrible was about to happen. She'd begged Hildy to pull over and let the car pass, and Hildy had really tried, but Frank had suddenly grabbed the wheel again, and they'd almost run the other car off the road. She remembered Hildy shouting at him, and Frank saying, "Let's give them a real scare this time!" and how he'd leaned on the horn and started laughing.
She could still see it. Even now.
The other car swerving around them, just as Frank's foot hit the gas pedal, lurching them forward, right onto the other car's fender. Faster and fast- Hildy had started hitting him, wrestling Frank for the steering wheel, and Belinda had closed her eyes and prayed, certain they were all going to die. Just Hildy yelling and Frank laughing and the squeal of tiers on slick blacktop as they'd slid around curves, hot on the tail of the car in front- Belinda begging them to stop- begging- begging them to let her out of the car- "Frank don't!" She'd joined the fight then, prying his fingers from the wheel. "Someone's gong to get hurt! It's not funny!"
"Oh, lighten up, Belinda! It's April Fools' Day, and I can do what I want. Hey- nothing can happen to me- I'm King of Fools! What the hell- they can't just push the king around like I'm a nobody! I'm teaching them a little lesson in respect. Tell you what, I won't even write them a speeding ticket, whatcha say?"
And then it happened.
Right then, right infront of their eyes.
The other car disappeared.
One minute it was in front of them, taillights swishing through the curtain of rain....
The next minute the road was black and empty.
"What- stop the car, Hildy-stop the car!" And Belinda was never sure if she'd really said the words out loud or just in her head because the noise had come then- the terrible, unbelievable noise not so far away- the crash going on and on through the dark and the thunder, and the crunching and twisting of metal, and the helpless, panicky screams-
My God, those awful screams-
For a moment time had ended. She remembered Hildy frozen in the front seat.... Frank's dazed, white face..... She could feel the rain pounding on the roof, like her heart pounding in her throat-
"Oh, God! Hurry!"
"No, Belinda, wait-"
"Come on!"
And somehow she'd found it- or what was left of it- the mangled car at the bottom of the gorge, the sudden flicker of light, a small burst of flames-
"We've got to help!" She'd been half out of her mind, running toward the wreck like that, slipping and falling over the rocks, sliding down the muddy hill. "We've got to help-"
It had taken her a while to even realize that Frank and Hildy weren't behind her. She remembered whirling around and hearing her name being called over and over from the darkness..... seeing them struggling over the rocks, trying to catch up....
While someone watched from the top of the hill.
Even now it made her skin crawl.
Because someone had been up there infront of their car, caught in the weak blur of the headlights, a person- a man- just standing beside the car, just standing there, watching them-
"Help!" Belinda had screamed, and she'd started back again, waving her arms- "Help us! Please!"
But he hadn't moved, and so she'd run on, run straight on to the burning car, and had almost reached it when Frank finally tackled her, throwing her to the ground, and she'd kept screaming, and someone else screaming, too.
Not Hildy, whose face was soaked with rain and tears, not Frank who kept yelling, "It's gonna blow- let's get out of here- the whole thing's gonna go up!"
But other screams- screams of pain and terror- and in the growing rush of crackling light, she'd seen the outline of someone- someone still alive- moving against the flames, trapped upside down behind the car window-
And "NO!" Belinda shrieked. She'd tried to claw Hildy and Frank away, as they pulled on her, forcing her up the hill-
They'd heard the explosion, felt the earth tremble beneath them, and she'd tried to turn around and go back, but Frank had shoved her so hard, she'd fallen to the ground in front of the headlights.....
The mushy ground where two footprints were filling up with water.....
"Someone was here," she'd mumbled, "Hildy, someone was here- do you see him? Where did he go?"
"Come on, Belinda, there's nobody- we've got to get out of here-"
"But Hildy, someone-"
"Come on, get in the car!"
She hadn't really thought as she'd reached out for the muddy rag beside her on the ground.... she'd gone into a sort of numbness, hands reaching out and pushing her, and the warm taste of blood in her mouth and on her lips a she'd pressed the cold, wet rag against her aching face.
She remembered the rain.... beating down on them without mercy.
And Frank babbling over and over like an idiot," It was just a joke.... a joke."
My God, what have we done.....
If only it hadn't been April Fools' Day.
If only the screams would stop echoing forever and ever in her mind.
You were about to turn the page to begin the next chapter of your book, but before you could the book was torn out of your hands and thrown across the room. You looked up, your red eyes cold as you glared at the man who had torn your book away, but your gaze softened when you noticed who had done that.
"H-Hidan?" you mumbled, a pink tent coming onto your cheeks, hardly noticeable."Why did you take my book away?"
"Hell! All you fucking do is read!"he sorta yelled.
"That doesn't answer my question, Hidan. Why did you take my book away?" you said in a soft voice.
"Jashin-sama said you're special. So.....he said I could have you. Isn't that nice of him?" Hidan smirked.
"Wh-what? But I thought you couldn't do 'stuff' like that," you stated, a darker blush coming onto your face.
"Lord Jashin noticed how I've liked you for a while, so he's finally going to let me have you, even if you don't want me," he said, which surprised you. One- he didn't cuss! Two- Because he just said that he liked you, too.
"Y-you like me, Hidan-sama,"you stuttered.
"Didn't I just fucking say that,"he sighed.
"Um.....well yeah I guess, but I just can't believe that," you said, mentally slapping yourself, for sounding so weak, which you are not.
"Then how do I fucking prove it?" he asked, an annoyed look on his face.
"Oh I know a way......" you chuckled, perverted thoughts running through your head."Come, follow me."
You grabbed his hand and began to pull him down the halls of the base. You turned a few more corners and came to a stop infront of your bed room door. You turned the knob and pushed Hidan in, locking the door behind you.
You turned to Hidan who had a smirk on his face, and before you knew it you were thrown on your bed, Hidan ontop of you, kissing you, hard, and rough. You felt Hidan lick your lips asking for entrance, and without thinking you opened your lips, letting out a moan as Hidan's tongue rubbed against yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and let out a groan when Hidan began to grind his hips into yours. Fast and hard.
You smirked when you felt a lump in between your legs. You and Hidan got into a fierce battle for domanice. You felt Hidan start to tug on your shirt, and you smirked against his lips, making the kiss more demanding.
~20 Minutes Later~
You and Hidan were both now naked, and Hidan was positioned over your entrance.
"Are you fucking ready,Ai?" he hissed, his hard cock rubbing against your wet core.
"Hurry the hell up!" you yelled.
Without saying anything else Hidan quickly thrusted into you, making you growl, digging your nails into his shoulder blades. You hissed as he began moving hard inside you. Suddenly, the pain disappeared, making you let out a loud moan.
Hidan was GREAT! So great you forgot how many times you had came. "Fuck Ai! You're to damn tight!"
You wouldn't say anything, more like couldn't say anything. All you could do was moan, as you thrusted your hips into his, making a growl come from him. Hidan grabbed your legs and threw them over his shoulders, making him enter you with a deeper plunge. You screamed out as Hidan's semen entered you, making you cum once again.
This time before Hidan could thrust into you again, you flipped you both over, and began to ride him, harder than he did you. You lifted yourself off him so only the head of his cock was in you. Then slammed down on him.
Hidan let out a loud groan, and you chuckled to yourself when you heard him whisper,"Thank you Jashin!"
Suddenly, you came, making you collapse ontop of him. You laid ontop of him breathing hard, as his arms wrapped around your shoulders, lifting you off of him. As you hit the bed beside him you felt the covers being pulled over you.
You turned to Hidan and wrapped your arms around him, laying your head on his chest. "That was awesome!" Hidan yelled, wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
You laughed to yourself but said,"Yeah it was....."
You looked up at Hidan and noticed he was asleep. Shaking your head to yourself you whispered," Thank you Jashin." Then you fell into a blissful sleep.

<3 Gaawwwd Hidan's so fucking sexy! lol I Love Hidan lemons that was great! You should do more for him. :D Oh maybe even a request from me. If your willing to do so maybe you could email me at:
Thank you! :D
That was so good! I would love to read more of what you wrote,especially Hidn!