Name- Sanosuke Hayashi
Age- 12
Appearance- Sanosuke is a fragile-looking boy with bright but also dull-like navy bluish eyes usually covered by short dark blue locks of hair. He is somewhat on the pale side but not as pale as Sasuke more like Sakura’s complexion. He’s about three inches shorter than Naruto.
Background- Sanosuke is the youngest of seven children; all his siblings are girls; making him the only boy in the family. Sanosuke grew up with a pretty good childhood. His older sisters love pinching his cheeks and making him blush which annoys him a lot. Sanosuke’s mother and father are still living but currently reside in the Wind Country, they visit them every other month. Sanosuke is a good friend of Neji and Rock Lee; even though Rock Lee annoys and freaks him out at times.
Ninja/Healer/Etc- Ninja; Chuunin
Personality- Sanosuke is a bit of a loner. He enjoys spending time alone. He can be very sarcastic and serious at times but once he has sweets (his favorite is cookie n cream ice cream) he can get almost twice as hyper as Naruto. Sanosuke is known to be harsh at times but he’s just blunt and brutally honest. He can be very sweet to his friends especially his sister, Hinata, and TenTen.
Pairing- Sasuke Uchiha
If you and him are already together- No; Sanosuke hides the fact that he likes Sasuke even though his friends and sisters know he does.
Yaoi/Yuri/Neither- Yaoi

~Let It Begin!~
"SANOSUKE!!" I heard one of my sisters yell from her room. Rushing down the hall, and slipping a few times, I burst into my sister's room to find Hinata and TenTen laying on the floor, both in a strange position.
"Um......TenTen? If you don't mind me asking, what are you both doing,"I asked in a quizzical voice, looking from both of my sister's flushed faces.
"We're trying out a new yoga pose,"was TenTen's simple reply.
"It's s-suppose to help focus your c-chakra,"Hinata stuttered, her face turning a bright red.
"Oh......"I trailed off."What did you want? I was reading a really good book."
"Another one of your "loner" books,"TenTen said, saying loner extra loud.
"No,"I pouted,crossing my arms over my chest."Just a book......"
"Anyways,"TenTen said, falling down from her handstand."I need you to run to Sasuke's to pick up my shuriken. I let him borrow them about a month ago, and he still hasn't returned them."she said with a frown on her face.
"S-Sasuke's......" I trailed off.
"What is she doing!?"I thought."She knows I like Sasuke! Why doesn't she just send Hinata?!"
"Why not send Hinata?"I said, rolling my navy bluish eyes.
"I-im helping T-TenTen,"Hinata stuttered, tapping her index fingers together, in a shy manner.
"Just do it!"snapped TenTen."I need thos shuriken for practice today!"
"Fine!"I snapped back, storming out of the room.
"Arigato!"she called after me, but I was already slamming the door to our house.
I walked down the silent streets of Konoha as the moons bright rays shined down on me.I knew it probably wasn't right for me to have these feelings for Sasuke, but I couldn't help it. When we trained together he always took his shirt off making my need for him grow. The way his body moved. I could even see the muslces in his back contract as he walked ahead of me, making me drool each time.
A lump formed in my throat as I came infront of Uchiha Sasuke's house. I slowly moved my hand towards his door and quickly knocked, before quickly putting my hands behind my back. I waited for about two minutes, before a shirtless Sasuke opened the door, his hand on his towel, that was wrapped around his waist.
"Sanosuke? What are you doing here?" Sasuke asked, making me pull my attetion away from his hot body.
"Oh......TenTen asked me to come here and get her shuriken back,"I said, a crimson blush coming onto my face.
"Come in,"he said, moving to the side so I could walk pass him. I heard the door close behind me as I decended into the living room. Sasuke walked in and began searching his livingroom for the shuriken.
"What's been happening with you?"Sasuke asked, trying to make small talk.
"Nothing really. Just alot of training and reading,"I said, shrugging my shoulders in an uncharing manner.
"Interesting,"he said, moving across the room towards a bookshelf.
"I guess,its been kind of boring without my parents."
"Do you miss them?"he asked, turning towards me.
His question caught me offguard.I felt a darker blush coming onto my already blushing face.
"I-I guess," I said looking down at my hands, pulling at my clothes.
I felt the couch shift beside me at the same time I felt more weight.I turned my head and almost squeaked when I saw that Sasuke was only two centimeters from my face.
"S-Sasuke? W-what are you d-doing?"I asked, leaning back alittle, feeling discomfortable at the lack of space, but at the same time over joyed.
"Shut up............."he whispered, before crashing his lips on mine.
I was surprised, not understanding why he was doing this, but as soon as that thought passed through my head I found myself turning the kiss into something hungry,needy and most of all. Lustful.I felt myself being pushed back onto the couch, as Sasuke spread my legs apart and slipped his body between them. I licked Sasuke's lips begging for enterance as he pulled my shirt over my head, without breaking the kiss. I started rubbing my hands against his erection, hearing a low moan come from his lips, before slipping my tongue in his wet caveren.
Our tongues danced to together, both battling for control. After four minutes we broke the kiss for air and he started trailing sweet, gentle kisses down my neck, searching for my sweet spot. A loud moan came out as he hit a certain spot were neck met shoulder. I could feel him smirk against it as he began to suck and bite on that one spot, earning many groans from my now panting body.
I could feel my pants losen and fall down my legs along with my boxers. I watched Sasuke sink down my body and give me an evil smirk as he lowered his mouth to my member, taking the medium sized erection in his mouth. My moans filled the room as he sucked, scrapped, bit and licked my member.
I climaxed to soon for my liking as Sasuke pulled back licking his lips.
"Mmmm.You taste good,Sanosuke,"he said in a seducticve voice, before removing his towel.My eyes widened seeing his large member, which was a whole lot bigger than mine.
"It's your first time,too,huh?"he said in a calming voice.
I simply nodded my head, never taking my eyes off his member.
"Don't worry. I'll be gentle....."he said, before capturing my lips with his, thrusting quickly into my hole. I felt tears run down my face as I cried out in pain, that not even the kiss could muffle.
I clun to his body, seeing as it was the only thing I could do as he began to pound into me. At first the pain was unbearable, but it quickly faded into intense pleasure. Moaning I wrapped my legs around his waist, weaving one hand in his hair, wrapping the other around his waist. I could feel my climax start to build int he pit of my stomach, coming fast.
I cried out,arching my back as my jucies dripped down my legs onto the couch.
"You came to fast,"Sasuke growled, continuing to pound into me. Both our groans filled the room, as another climax approached. This time when I climaxed, Sasuke came along,too. Sasuke stayed inside me,breathing hard, his hands on my chest.
Finally after, ten minutes Sasuke pulled out of my hole and stood up wrapping his towel back around his waist, leaving me panting on the couch.
"That was fun,"he said, a soft smile touching his lips, as he began walking towards his bathroom.
"That was fun,"he said, a soft smile touching his lips, as he began walking towards his bathroom.
"Wait Sasuke! I need to still get those shuriken!"I yelled after him, hopping up from the couch.
"No you don't,"he smirked.
"What do you mean?"I asked, giving him a quizzical look as I slipped my pants back on.
"You see Sanosuke. I already gave TenTen back her shuriken, she planned this all out......."
I loved the ending!!!